A weekly comic for programmers, web developers and geeks.

Computer jokes about browser

Happy Holidays

Browserful Christmas and Browserful New Year 2018!
Happy Holidays

Browser War

The never ending war.
Browser War

Internet Explorer

#ie { break-inside: auto; }
Internet Explorer


The hungriest browser.

After New Year's Party

Partying with browsers is a bad idea.
After New Year's Party

Merry Christmas

Merry browsery Christmas and Happy browsery New Year 2017!
Merry Christmas

Browser Wars

Only the strong survive.
Browser Wars

Self Portrait

Self Portrait


Internet Explorer is one of the slowest tools for downloading Opera.

Internet Explorer

The only thing Internet Explorer is good for is downloading Firefox.
Internet Explorer


Internet Explorer goes shopping. An employee asks, "Do you need help?" Internet Explorer responds, "No. Just browsing."

Browser History

An empty Internet browser's history is an automatic admission of guilt.
Browser History

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster discovers the Cookie Clicker game.
Cookie Monster


.rip { bottom: -6ft; }

Where do you want to go today?

Internet Explorer does a great job of downloading Chrome.
Where do you want to go today?


While humans have to pay for each drink at the bar, a web browser can just open a tab.


My grandma never got to experience the Internet. Not because she was too old, but because she used Internet Explorer.

Incognito (extra cartoon)

How do you know when you're really in incognito mode? ... Your browser turns into a Word document.

Cookie Monster (extra cartoon)

Cookie Monster loves browser cookies.
Cookie Monster

Browsing History (extra cartoon)

An empty Internet browser is an automatic admission of guilt.
Browsing History

Grandpa (extra cartoon)

My grandpa never got to experience the Internet. Not because he was too old, but because he used Internet Explorer.

Happy Holidays (extra cartoon)

Merry browserful Christmas and Happy browserful New Year 2017!
Happy Holidays

Tom and Jerry (extra cartoon)

DOM and jQuery.
Tom and Jerry

Vegas (extra cartoon)

Web design is a lot like Vegas. What happens below the fold stays below the fold.