A weekly comic for programmers, web developers and geeks.

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0 (2), 1 (6), 01 (1), 1 gb (1), 1 gigabyte (1), 1 second (1), 1023 mb (1), 1023 megabytes (1), 1023mb (1), 2 (1), 2.7 (1), 2.71 (1), 2.718 (1), 2.7182 (1), 2.71828 (1), 3.14 (1), 3.1415 (1), 8 (2), 10 (2), 11 (1), 25 (2), 26 (1), 31 (1), 403 (1), 404 (4), 405 (1), 406 (1), 1010 (1), 2016 (2), 2017 (3), 8080 (1), 11111110 (2), 11111111 (2), (5), 1989 jeep wrangler (1), 1gb (1), 1mb (1), 25th birthday (1), 3am (2), 404 not found (4), 64 bits (1), 8 bytes (1), a (1), a tag (1), aaa choo (1), abduction (1), acquisition (1), action figures (1), ada lovelace (1), address (3), admiral (1), adobe (1), adobe illustrator (1), adobe photoshop (1), advisors (1), aftermath (1), ai (2), air conditioner (1), alan kay (1), alan turing (1), alarm clock (1), alcohol (3), alexa (1), alien (1), aliens (1), alphabet (1), am (2), amazon (2), amazon alexa (2), amazon ec2 (1), amd (2), analytic engine (1), analytical engine (1), anchor (1), anchors (1), anglerfish (1), ansi (4), ansi art (4), answer (5), answers (2), apple pie (1), archie (1), archimedes (2), architect (1), arnie (1), arnold schwarzenegger (1), arrows (1), art (2), artificial intelligence (1), ascii (3), ascii art (3), ask (1), astronomy (1), attack vector (1), auto (1), award (1), axe (1), baby (2), back end (6), bad idea (1), bad vision (1), balloons (2), band (1), bar (7), bar joke (1), barman (2), bars (2), bartender (1), base (2), base conversion (1), bases (1), bash (1), bat (1), bathroom (1), battle (2), beaker (1), beaker browser (1), beastie (1), bed (2), beer (4), before (1), bell labs (1), below fold (1), berkeley (1), best coding practices (1), big bang (1), bike (1), bilbo baggins (2), bin (1), binary (1), bios (1), birds (2), birthday (2), birthday party (2), bit (5), bit mask (1), bitmask (2), bits (6), black (1), block (3), blocks (1), boat (1), bomb (1), book (1), book store (1), booking (1), books (4), bookshelf (1), boom (1), border (1), borders (1), boss (1), bottom (2), brave (1), brave browser (1), break inside (1), brexit (1), brower wars (1), browser (24), browser cookies (2), browser history (2), browser history is empty (2), browser tree (1), browser war (2), browser wars (2), browserify (1), browserling (1), browserling cafe (1), browsers (10), browsing (1), bsd (1), bug (1), building (2), burger (2), burger place (1), burgers (2), business (1), busy beaver (1), byte (5), bytes (5), c (2), c language (1), c plus plus (2), c sharp (2), c sharp in depth (1), cactus (1), cafe (2), cake (3), california (1), calm (1), camel (1), camelia (1), camera (1), candy (1), candy in (1), canvas (2), captain (2), car (1), card (1), carl sagan (1), carpet (1), cartoon (2), cascading style sheet (5), case (2), castle (1), cat (7), cd (1), ceo (1), chair (1), champagne (1), championship (4), charles babbage (1), chef (1), chemical elements (2), chemist (2), chemistry (2), chess (1), chip (2), chips (2), chocolate (1), chocolate chip cookies (2), christmas (5), christmas tree (4), chrome (10), cico (2), city (2), class (1), clean history (2), clear history (2), clock (2), cloud (1), clouds (1), cobol (1), cobol programming (1), cocktail (1), code (7), code from scratch (1), code out (2), coder (1), coders (2), coding (3), coding class (1), coffee (8), coffee beans (1), coffee cup (1), coffee in (1), coffee machine (2), coffee shop (1), cold (2), coldness (1), color (2), color palette (2), colosseum (1), column (1), comic sans (1), command line (1), common business oriented language (1), comp sci (1), competition (1), competitive programming (1), compsci (2), compuser chip burgers (1), computer (21), computer chips (1), computer science (4), computer scientist (6), computer security (1), computer virus (1), computer viruses (1), computers (10), computing (1), confetti (1), confused (1), confusion (2), constant (2), construction (1), content (1), continent (1), continue (1), controllers (1), cookie (3), cookie clicker (1), cookie monster (2), cookies (3), cooking (1), cop (3), cosh (1), cosmic (1), cosmology (1), cosmos (2), couple (2), cow (2), cows (2), cpp (2), cpp language (2), cpu (3), cracker (1), crane (1), crap (1), creeper (1), critical section (1), crop (1), crop tool (1), crt (1), cruise (1), cs (8), css (15), css layout (1), css pun (2), css selector (3), ctrl c (2), ctrlc (2), curly braces (2), daemon (1), dark (1), darkness (1), data center (1), database (1), databases (1), date (1), dates (1), day (1), debian (2), debug (4), debugging (4), dec (2), dec25 (1), december (1), decimal (1), decimal64 (1), demon (1), deploy (1), desert (1), design (2), desk (6), developer (2), developers (2), devops (2), difference engine (1), difficult (2), dijkstra (1), dinosaur (2), dinosaurs (4), display (3), dmitri mendeleev (2), dmitry mendeleev (2), docker (1), doctor (1), document (1), dog (9), dom (2), donald knuth (2), door (1), double (1), double precision (1), douglas mcilroy (2), download (3), download and install chrome (1), download and install firefox (1), download and install opera (1), download chrome (1), download firefox (1), download opera (1), dragon curve (2), dress (1), drink (8), drinking (2), drinks (8), dropdown (1), drown (3), drunk (1), duplicate content (2), dvd (1), e (1), e constant (1), ea (1), ea games (1), earth (3), ec2 (1), ed (2), edge (6), edsger dijkstra (2), eight bytes (1), electronic arts (1), elements (2), elk (1), employee (1), empty browser (2), empty history (2), empty internet browser (2), empty internet browser history (2), england (1), eu (1), euler (1), europe (1), european union (1), evening (1), exit (2), expectation (2), exploder (1), explorer (10), explosion (1), f1 (2), f5 (2), factory (1), fail (1), failed (1), failure (1), fan (1), fast food (2), fat (1), fear (1), finland (1), fire (1), firefox (8), fireplace (4), first place (4), fish (1), float (2), float left (1), float right (1), floating (2), floating point (1), floppy (2), flowers (2), fly (1), flying (1), flying saucer (1), fold (1), foldout (1), font (4), font joke (1), font style (2), fonts (1), food (7), foot (1), formula translation (1), formulas (1), fortran (1), fortran programming (1), forum (2), fox (1), fresh coffee (1), fries (2), front end (6), ft (1), full stack (5), fun (1), functions (1), galaxies (1), galaxy (2), game (3), gb (1), gears (1), ghost (2), gig (1), gigabyte (1), glasses (2), godzilla (1), good coders (1), google (3), google chrome (1), goomba (1), grace hopper (1), gram schmidt (1), grandfather (1), grandma (1), grandma joke (1), grandmom (1), grandmother (1), grandpa (1), grandpa joke (1), grandpap (1), grass (2), grave (1), gravestone (1), graveyard (2), great coders (1), greek (1), groups (2), guilt (2), guilty (2), guitar (1), guitars (1), hacker (2), hackers (2), halloween (2), hammer (1), hand lens (1), handle (2), happy (3), happy holidays (2), happy new year (3), hard (2), hardware (2), hasta la vista baby (1), hat (1), hate (2), hay (4), haystack (3), help (2), hexagon (1), hidden (1), hide and seek (4), highway (1), hilbert curve (1), hills (1), hippy (1), history (2), hobbit (3), hobbits (2), hobbyte (3), hobbytes (2), holidays (3), home (8), home directory (2), home sweet home (5), horror (1), horror movie (1), hospital (3), hotel (2), house (3), houses (2), html (4), html table (1), html tables (1), html tags (1), http (4), http protocol (3), hubble (1), hubris (1), humans (1), hunger (1), hungry (1), hypertext transfer protocol (2), ice (2), iceberg (2), ie (16), iexplode (1), iexploder (1), iexplore (11), iexplorer (11), ill (2), illustrator (1), impatience (1), incognito (1), incognito mode (1), infinite tape (1), inflation (1), injury (1), inn (2), inside (1), install (2), install chrome (1), install firefox (1), install opera (1), int (1), intel (2), international olympiad in informatics (1), internet exploder (1), internet explorer (17), internet handle (2), internet protocol (3), investors (1), ioi (1), ip (5), ip address (5), ipv4 (3), ipv6 (2), irish pub (2), irrational (2), island (2), it (1), it security (1), italian chef (1), italic (3), italy (4), james (1), james2099 (1), james375 (1), japan (1), java (5), java cafe (1), java developer (2), java logo (1), java programmer (2), jeep wrangler (1), jeff bezos (2), jerry (2), john mccarthy (1), join (1), joines (1), joining (1), jon hall (1), jon maddog hall (1), jon skeet (1), jonas (1), jquery (2), key (1), keyboard (5), kitchen (1), knight (1), knock knock (2), knock knock joke (1), knuth (2), labyrinth (1), lamp (4), lamps (1), laptop (17), larry wall (1), las vegas (1), layout (1), laziness (1), leaning (1), leave (1), lecturer (1), left (1), lego (1), lego block (1), letter (1), license plate (1), life (1), lifebuoy (2), lifering (2), light (4), line piece (1), linux (5), lisp (4), literate programming (2), live free or die (1), llama (2), lo (4), localhost (5), lock (1), login (1), lol (1), lollipop (1), long long (1), long pause (1), loopback (5), loopback street (1), love (1), lsd (1), machine (1), machine gun (1), maddog (1), mage (1), magnet (1), magnets (1), magnifying glass (1), mariadb (1), marketing (1), mask (1), mass effect (1), math (5), math constant (2), mathematical constant (2), maths (1), matrix (1), matt cutts (2), maze (1), mb (1), mcilroy (2), meal (1), memory (2), mendeleev (2), menu (1), menus (1), mermaid (1), merry christmas (3), message board (2), microsoft (7), microsoft natural keyboard (1), microsoft windows (3), microsoft word (1), milk (1), milky way (1), minecraft (1), mirror (1), missing (1), model 101 (1), money (1), monitor (3), monster (3), moo (1), moon (6), morning (3), mountains (2), mouse (9), mozilla (1), mozilla firefox (1), mp3 (2), mu (1), mug (1), multithreading (1), music (1), music player (2), mutex (1), mysql (1), name (2), nanosecond (1), needle (4), needle stack (1), needles (3), nerd (2), nerdic (2), network security (1), nevada (1), neverland (1), new hampshire (1), new project (2), new roman (1), new tab (1), new year (4), newspaper (2), newtons cradle (1), nic (1), nick (1), nickname (2), night (10), ninja (1), no sleep (2), none (2), nordic (2), normalization (2), normalized vector (1), norman rockwell (2), nosleep (2), nosql (1), not found (5), not guilty (2), notepad (1), notes (1), noun (1), ns (1), number base (1), number system (2), number systems (1), numeral system (1), o (1), oct (1), oct31 (1), octal (1), october (1), octopus (1), off (1), officer (3), olympiad (1), om nom nom (1), one (1), one liners (2), opacity (1), open (2), opera (8), operating system (1), oracle (1), os (1), outside (1), pablo picasso (2), pacman (1), paint (2), panda (1), paper (1), parens (2), parenthesis (5), party (2), passed out (1), passenger liner (2), pasta (1), pasture (1), pause (1), pawn (1), pc (3), pen (1), penrose tiling (1), people (1), periodic (2), periodic table (2), perl (1), perl 5 (1), perl 6 (1), peter (1), peter krumins (1), peter pan (1), peter2099 (1), peter375 (1), philosopher (1), philosophy (1), phone (2), photo camera (1), photoshop (2), pi (1), pi constant (1), picture (2), pictures (1), pig (1), pikachu (1), pisa (2), pisa tower (2), planet (2), planets (1), playground (1), playstation (1), playstation 4 (1), point (1), pokeball (1), pokemon (2), police (3), police officer (3), popcorn (1), portrait (2), poster (1), postgresql (1), printer (1), printing (1), private browsing (1), program (2), programmer (12), programmers (4), programming (22), programming champions (1), programming class (2), programming competition (1), programming language (7), programs (1), ps (1), ps4 (1), psychopath (1), pub (2), public house (2), punch card (1), punch cards (2), query (1), question (3), quote (9), race condition (1), radix (2), rainbow (2), ram (5), random (2), random string (2), reality (2), refresh (2), refreshment (2), refreshments (2), reload (1), response code (4), restaurant (3), result (1), reuse (1), rich (1), right (1), rip (1), rms titanic (2), robot (2), robots (4), rock (1), rom (1), roman (3), rome (1), room (5), row (1), safari (7), samara (1), sans (1), satellite (1), save (2), save and exit (2), scarf (1), scary (1), scheme (1), science (2), screen (1), sea (3), sea monster (3), search engine optimization (2), second place (3), security (1), selector (1), self portrait (2), selfie (1), semaphore (1), semicolon (2), seo (4), seo expert (2), series (2), series 800 (1), server (5), servers (1), shampoo (1), shark (1), shell (3), shinobi (1), ship (5), shire (2), shop (2), shopping (1), shower (1), sick (2), silly (1), simplicity (1), sinh (1), sky (2), slackware (1), sleep (2), snack (1), sneeze (1), sneezing (1), snow (2), snowman (1), software (2), software development (1), software reuse (1), software testing (1), spaghetti (1), speed of light (1), sql (1), sql queries (1), sql query (1), squirrel (1), star (1), stars (1), startup (2), startups (2), store (1), story (1), street (3), string (2), strings (2), structured query language (1), studio (2), stupid (2), success (2), sum (2), sun (1), super mario (1), super star (1), sweden (1), sweets (1), swim (1), swimming (1), sword (3), symbolics (1), synchronization (1), sysadmin (2), system administrator (1), t800 (1), t850 (1), tab (1), table (11), table layout (1), tables (1), tabs (1), talking (1), tape (1), tavern (2), team (1), telescope (1), telescopes (1), temple (1), ten (1), terminal (2), terminator (1), test (1), test engineer (1), testing (1), tetris (1), text editor (4), the ring (1), the times (2), third place (3), thread (1), threads (1), thumb (1), tilde (2), timer (1), times new roman (3), times roman (2), tink (1), tinker bell (1), titanic (2), tom (2), tom and jerry (2), tomatoes (1), tools (1), tourist (1), tourists (2), tower (2), tower of pisa (2), toys (3), transformer (1), transformers (1), transparent (1), trash (1), trees (1), trojan (1), trojans (1), turing (1), turing machine (1), tuscany (1), tux (4), twins (2), two (1), type (2), typographer (1), typography (4), ufo (2), ui (5), uk (1), unicycle (1), unit vector (1), universe (3), unix (6), update (1), update java (1), upgrade (1), upgrade java (1), useless (2), user (3), user experience (5), user interface (4), username (1), ux (5), vagrant (1), vampire (2), vector (1), vectors (1), vegas (1), vi (4), viking (2), vim (4), virus (1), viruses (1), visibility (1), vision (1), vista (1), visual studio (1), vivaldi (1), vivaldi browser (1), vs (1), vulnerability (1), w (2), waiter (3), wall (1), war (3), wars (1), water (9), wdywtgt (3), web (9), web browser (1), web class (1), web coding class (1), web designer (2), web developer (6), web developers (1), web development (3), web page (3), web server (4), web site (3), webpage (3), website (3), where do you want to go today (3), whip (2), whiskey (1), white (1), whole foods (1), whos there (2), wife (1), win (1), win 10 (1), win vista (1), win10 (1), winamp (2), window (3), windows (3), windows 10 (2), windows installation (1), windows vista (1), wine (4), winner (2), winners (4), winter (1), winvista (1), word (1), word document (1), world (1), wq (2), x (1), x86 (1), xy (1), y (1), yandex (1), yandex browser (1), yoshi (1), zero (1), zz (2)